There were a total of 320 Steve Ditko covers for Charlton beginning with THE THING #12 cover dated February 1954 to December 1985. Most were original covers, but of course when the reprinting started the art began to recycle. Sometimes the cover was reprinted as originally printed, sometimes recolored or altered in some way. Sometimes even a panel or portion was used. Ditko's final original cover was also his last for the company:CHARLTON ACTION (Featuring STATIC) #12cover dated December 1985.
Part One of this chronology begins with THE THING #12 and continues through to MYSTERIES OF UNEXPLORED WORLDS #10, cover dated November 1958.The bulk of the covers are in the sci-fi/mystery/horror genre, but along the way we are also treated to crime, western,and even humor--proving Ditko was not only willing to branch out of his comfort zone, but excelled in whatever genre he put forth.